10. Evolution

“Love is a sacred reserve of energy; it is like the blood of spiritual evolution.” – Teilhard De Chardin

Over the last five years I have been conscious of my ever growing life, and specifically I have been an active member in my own personal evolution. I am fairly certain this process has been going on my entire life, but I also humbly acknowledge I have not always been a participant in the development.

Today I get to be engaged in my personal growth. My greatest growth has come in two forms. First when I realize something in my life that is an internal block to Love, and in response to this epiphany work to dissolve that block. This usually occurs when some “crisis” occurs. It might look like an end of a relationship or perhaps a financial problem.  The other is when I actively find situations that take me out of my comfort zone, and makes me aggressively do some deep soul searching. One personal example is a meditation retreat I attended.

Inadvertently this week’s topic has elements of the last 3 weeks of CYLFriday. The fact is it takes a great deal of self-love and persistence to evolve in breaking down internal barriers, and seeking barriers that I may not be aware of. The process has been such a wonderful adventure I now find it important to pass it on to others. If I am able to take action to be a better me this is the best type of leadership I can give my fellow wonderer on this path called Life.

Affirmation: I draw from the sacred well of life to bring in the Love that helps me to evolve to a new outlook and new me.

Call to Action:  You are an ever-evolving, ever-unfolding expression of love and life.  Take some time to see where this growth has taken place recently, truly take the time to honor that growth and share it with the people around you.  I know the best teachers that I have ever had in my life are the ones that knew and lived their passions.  You are one of those teachers, head forth and find your students!