Start the conversation



I volunteer for a non-profit that really makes a difference in my community. I receive perks from this non-profit that make it worth my while, so don’t let me come off like some sort of saint, cause I’m not. I have a job that helps the overall organization in community awareness and fundraising. However my co-workers are out in the streets impacting kids, parents, and teachers on a daily basis in a positive way.


I was at a monthly meeting earlier tonight and my co-workers all shared around the room about stuff that happened in that last couple of weeks. The time they commit to reach out to these students is so worth it. These kids speak up about personal problems and get brought to the professionals (counselors, teachers). These kids may have feared speaking up before my co-workers inspired them to get the help they need. When a young person is afraid to talk to their parents or teachers about something they are going through, it’s because they are afraid of what reaction they might get. The simple act of sharing personal stories and taking the time to listen to the kids is all it takes to make that difference.


Kids aren’t the only ones afraid to talk about what’s really going on. Take the time to talk to your friends, co-workers, children, and siblings. Anyone you come in contact with may be desperate to have a sounding board, and all they need is your ear for a few moments. Make that difference. Start that conversation.


Affirmation: One person can make a difference. I can be that difference.


Call to action: Talk to at least one person today, young or old, and take the time to listen to them. Maybe you can make a difference in their life. Maybe they can make a difference in yours.


49. Courage

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.  The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” – Nelson Mandela (7/18/1918-12/5/2013)

In this life we are constantly confronted with circumstances and situations which fear seems to lead us away from where our hearts were carrying us.  I know in my own experience it was fear that stopped me from taking a chance or investing my time in something I felt drawn to do.  I do not believe that fear will ever leave me completely but I know that my reaction to fear will dictate what I leave the universe in my wake.

I think that courage and bravery can come in so many ways, luckily there have been some incredible examples that have walked the path of courage before us to show how truly strong we can be.  I know the feeling I get on the other side of a challenge or an obstacle is such a great uplifting experience yet it still takes faith to conquer the next opportunity in my path.

Today I intend to face one of my biggest fears by leaning on the experiences of my fellows and my faith that I am making the right choice in my life.  By making a conscious decision in this moment I believe I am setting forth the motion needed to follow through on my commitment.  When it is time I will choose bravery over weakness and faith over fear, knowing the results will be exactly the way they are supposed to be.  It takes lots of risks to learn the truth about fear, today I will grow in understanding and effectiveness.

Affirmation: In this moment I choose courage over fear!!!

Call To Action:  I s there something in your life that you know inside yourself that you need to conquer?  Why not make today the day that you choose courage over fear?  The more courageous choices we make the better suited we will be to face the certain challenges ahead, today is the day to put in some practice and tell us how it goes so that we can all grow through each others experiences.

33. Willingness

“The amount of good luck coming your way depends on your willingness to act.” – Barbara Sher

Over the last week I have been in constant thought about the idea of willingness.  I had heard a story about how Socrates tested Plato’s willingness to seek knowledge by drowning him.  To only explain that it would not be until he was as willing to fight for knowledge in the way that he was fighting for breath could he continue to learn.  This example at first glance seems a harsh way to get a message across but it carries so much weight for me right now.

I believe today that I can effectively create just about anything I want out of life.  This belief comes from all of the changes that I have seen manifest over the last several years of putting change at the forefront of my life experience.  Without a doubt every avenue which I have taken the time to identify, the willingness to change it and the effort required I have gotten results and my life has gotten better,  As I write this now I can see several other areas where I feel change could be good.

If I honestly ask myself why I am in the same place I was when I recognized that a change would be desirable in certain areas the answer becomes very clear.  I simply have not become willing enough to work on them.  I may talk about them and start to believe the lie that I am doing all that is necessary to change them, but I am not.  If I really want a change in any area of my life I need to consider the lesson that Plato learned that day.  If I truely want my current situation to change I should focus on it with the willingness of a drowning man.  Only at that point can I say that I gave it everything I had.

Affirmation: In this moment I am willing to do the next right action.  (immediately followed by action)

Call To Action:  Years ago I would talk about wanting to get back in shape and I never did yet I would complain about my physical status and make excuses.  At some point the excuses got old and something needed to be changed.  I worked on one thing, being willing.  Willingness brought on a commitment that has not left me since.  What are you still waivering on?  Are you being honest about your effort?  Are you willing to do whatever it takes to get the result you want?  Please share your experiences with us.


“…by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise.  The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”                                                                    

-Sylvia Plath


Over the past few years one of my friends and I have talked about creating a movie script.  Every once in a while we would bring it up and make comments about different ideas for scenes, characters, topics or themes. This talk and banter has always been fun, but until this week it had not gone much further than that.  In truth, I never really took it much further than the idea, since I had no experience in the script writing or movie- making realm.  


On Wednesday, my friend called me and asked if I was ready to sit down and start writing that script.  Out of the habit to saying yes to life I said, “absolutely, meet me in an hour!” Before that self-doubting part of my brain could kick in, tell me I didn’t have the skills, or the experience to try something new involving creativity, he showed up.  I am so grateful for my cultivated reaction to say yes today.


When my friend arrived to my house I was committed and all in.  We sat down and began talking and writing, making notes, dreaming and brainstorming.  The result to the effort was the birth of creativity.  Two open minds came together and worked towards one common goal and inspiration happened.  The experience was so positive and exciting that we sat down again, with an even bigger group of people, the next day and made more progress and created even more.  What I see today is just another reminder that all of the creative thoughts that I have are always just a little effort away and they are so exciting to tap into.  


Affirmation:  I am a creative and intelligent being, and in this moment I am inspired to cultivate new thoughts and experiences!


Call to action:  Please take some time today to flex your creative muscle. Write a poem, a story, or an experience on paper.  Or reach out to a friend that you have been talking about a project with sit down together and figure out what it will take. Share your experience with us so that we can all grow together.  Lets change our lives again this Friday!!!

29. Experience

“What one has not experienced, one will never understand in print.” – Isadora Duncan

Last weekend at a resort in Phoenix Arizona several thousand people gathered together to celebrate their lives and inspire the lives of others.  I was blessed to be a part of the planning and culmination of this event and could not be more proud of the results that were apparent throughout and after the weekend had passed.  Part of my job in putting this event together was to get the word out to people so they would not miss out on the experience of being a part of something so big and beautiful.  I recognized I can share a concept and an idea, I can do it with love and enthusiasm, but a concept will never have as much weight as an experience.

My life today is so much different than when I was younger, thanks to some very vivid experiences I have been graced with.  These experiences gave me the ability to see how my choices were giving me a life I no longer wanted.  When I look at my life in reverse, all of the great changes have taken place came as a result of some experience that opened a window of willingness to take action for a change.  I often see people who are begging and pleading for a change and I do my best to tell them how the changes in my life have taken place. Sometimes, I feel so strongly about these things that I want to scream at the top of my lungs to help inspire someone but then, like this weekend, I am reminded if the words could help someone change then no one would have issues or problems.

I know today, life is what I make of it and the best I can do is help others get out in the world to have their own experiences.  My life happens out in the world and the only way I can capitalize on that is by becoming a part of it as much as I can.  The world is waiting for all of us when we step away from this page.  With a little bit of action maybe this will be the Friday that you truly change your life.

Affirmation: A good life is not just a concept; today I will take the action to make it my actual experience.

Call to Action: This is the juice as my friend would say.  Every week we share an idea that can inspire change.  What this week calls for is going out and being that change and sharing with us the results.  I know what my next step is and today I am going to choose to take it, the result will be an experience that I can build on to.  The world is waiting for you.

Let Your Heart Dance


“Nobody cares if you can’t dance well. Just get up and dance. Great dancers are great because of their passion.” 

Martha Graham


Growing up I was never much the life of the party.  I was always the shy one that hid in the back of the corner with my eyes to the floor.  Anytime I was lucky enough to be invited to a party I pretty much keep to myself and whenever my friends would ask me to dance with them I would always say no.  Secretly though, I really wanted to join in. Secretly, in my heart I wanted to dance, but I just couldn’t. I felt stupid because in my mind I was the worst dancer ever. I hated that I was so awkward and hated being cursed with two left feet. I truly envied those that were so free with themselves and their body and could move so gracefully though the crowd. 

In college I decided to be brave and take a beginner’s ballet class.  At first, I was nervous and felt silly because here I was a grown adult with basically zero dance experience taking a ballet class. It didn’t take long before I feel in love with the class. Even though I was unsure of my body and how to make it move the way my teacher was instructing me to, I felt something inside me began to come alive.  Slowly, but surely I no longer looked at the ground when I walked around campus and there was a certain pep in my step. I smiled more and began to have more confidence in myself. There in my college ballet class, I realized that there was something about learning to control my body that was helping free myself of all my fears and helping me become a better person. 

At the end of the semester my teacher sat me down for my final review and basically told me that I sucked at ballet and that maybe I should consider taking some other elective.  I first I was completely shocked and utterly disappointed that a dance instructor would say such a thing to one of their students.  Upon further analyzing my dance abilities I realized that in fact I was terrible at ballet, but that wasn’t going to stop me from dancing.  I liked what dance was creating inside of me and the person it was creating within me.  I wasn’t going to stop.

Since that semester in college I have taken numerous dance classes. I even do yoga on a regular basis to help condition my body to become a better dancer.  Each time I take a new class in a new dance form, the challenges before me are great.  Most of the time I’m dancing with people that have been dancing all their lives and to watch them dance is truly an amazing sight.  I no longer envy them because believe it or not, after many years of professional training, I’m not so bad after all. I’ve preformed at some of the greatest dance halls in my state and in front of hundreds of people. The other day I even had one of the adult beginner students in one of my dance classes tell me, “Darling, when I grow up I want to dance just like you.”  “You move so gracefully.”  I almost cried then and there.

Maybe I’ll never win “So You Think You Can Dance,” but somehow I don’t think the purpose of dance is to win a competition.  The purpose of dance is to free yourself from all your inhibitions, completely embrace your true self and just dance. 

Affirmation: I am totally free to become who I was meant to be.  I move with grace and effortlessness towards my goal.

Call to Action: What’s something that you’ve always wanted to do, but have been too embarrassed to pursue because the thought of even seeking it out seems silly?  Maybe you’ve always dreamt of being a race car driver or an actor on Broadway, but feel like you’re time has passed.  Maybe you think you’re too old or have too many responsibilities and no time. I challenge you to get alone in a quiet place and revisit those childhood dreams.  Once you start pursuing your dreams there is no telling what will become of you. 

19. Do What You Love

Do what you love, you will be better at it.  It sounds pretty simple but you’d be surprised how many people don’t get this right away.  -LL Cool J

One night last week I was down at the ballpark enjoying America’s past time.  The home team was winning so I had a smile on my face.  We were sitting in the bleachers and had some hot dogs; not too bad for 20 bucks. At our stadium they have a big 50/50 raffle that I tend to donate to, there are employees of the park that walk around the isles during the game and help sell tickets to raise money for their cause and also for the cause of one lucky winner.  When the man came by this week I knew I recognized him but could not place him right away.  He looked really happy and I realized that’s why I was having trouble placing him. It was an old roommate of mine and the whole time I lived with him he never looked happy. Sure he smiled, he was happy at times, but his overall demeanor was less than thrilled on a regular basis.

I was so taken back with his 180 degree personality shift I wasn’t really sure how to react. When he came back around later on in the game and I told him he looked really good and really happy. He replied, “That’s cause I love this job! I have always wanted to work for a baseball team.” He went on to tell me he wanted to work for another team eventually, but for 162 days a year he works at his dream job. He doesn’t have the position he hopes to have someday but he is very happy to have his entry-level job.

I think about how he looked when I lived with him and how he looked at his new job and at first thought I am amazed. When I took some time to think about what he said and the situation as a whole It really rang true what they say, “If you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life again.”  I am following my dreams today which was not always the case and I am certainly not yet where I want to be but I have started to take the first steps to my dream, just as my old roommate has.  My truth today is the same as his, I am doing what I always wanted to do and it makes me happy.

Affirmation:  I am now willing to let my fears fall free me so that I can start to be who I always wanted to be.

Call to Action: I think it is very easy to get stuck in a situation that is “good enough” and never take that risk to follow our dreams.  All dreams that are realized start with small steps and commitment to the path that it takes to get there.  I know you have some dreams, maybe today is the day that you take the first step and feel some of the joy that comes with doing what you want.

job love




“Every man can transform the world from one of monotony and drabness to one of excitement and adventure.”
-Irving Wallace

I find myself lacking enthusiasm. About a week ago I had a series of phone calls to make with business associates. In the first I spoke in a monotone voice and this associate of mine, also a friend, asked me what was wrong. We were talking about an exciting project, everybody was making money, and I sounded bummed out. I told him nothing was wrong, but then I realized I better change my tone for the next phone call. I dialed the next number took a deep breath and HELLO! I purposely livened up my tone and the conversation went well. I noticed this small change in how I presented myself made a huge difference in how the conversation went.

It is interesting to me that the friend who changed my perspective on the day’s simple tasks by merely asking one simple question, “what is wrong?” This same friend, on a previous job told me to get excited Buddy! He told me to get excited because I was signed up to work with one of the renowned experts in my field. I replied with a “that’s cool” but after getting off the phone I did get excited and couldn’t wait to brag to my friends.

Yesterday I had a series of meetings interviewing people for a job one of which was my friend who keeps reminding me to be enthusiastic. After my meeting with him the rest of the days work went so much better. I was excited in what we were doing, my partners were happy, and everyone finished the day with a feeling of accomplishment. All of this happened because one person was excited and reminded me just with his attitude.

If we all show a little excitement in what we do it will surely rub on those around us.

Affirmation: I am the positive change for those around me. I have lots to be excited for.

Call to action: Please share below some of the little things you may take for granted that ARE worth getting excited over. You can also just share something in your life that excites you, keeps you smiling, or you think we should know.

15. Believe

“There are no constraints on the human mind, no walls around the human spirit, no barriers to our progress except those we ourselves erect.”

Ronald Reagan

Last Saturday I was invited to go help as a volunteer for a nonprofit that is near and dear to my heart. I was under the impression that I would be assisting with some games that included tarps and parachutes, it sounded like a blast. Due to wind, and some other circumstances the activity had changed to face painting. For anyone that does not know me, I do not have an artistic bone in my body, so I thought I would hangout for moral support. About 20 minutes into the project there were more kids than volunteers to paint faces. One of the women looked at me, smiled and said, “You can paint a heart, right?” before I could answer an eight year-old girl enthusiastically came skipping over as I, much less enthusiastically, picked up a paint brush.

While I was painting the third kids face, and saw the joy in his eyes, it dawned on me that the kids did not care about my poor painting skills they were just excited to have their face painted. My depictions of soccer balls, sharks, hearts, and even a batman logo were mediocre at best. My real lesson came as the afternoon was winding down. A very ambitious boy, who just witnessed another little boy get a skull painted on his face sat down and said “I want a brown skull, with fire eyes, and wings, and vampire teeth, and bats flying around his head, and…” the list went on for a mile. My first reaction was “I do not think I can do all of that.” Immediately he and his two siblings exclaimed “YES YOU CAN! We believe in you.” My first reaction was a cynical thought that these kids need to be a little more realistic, and my second was that they must read corny inspirational blogs.

Their excitement coupled with their unhesitant belief in my ability allowed me to paint three more skulls, two of which had fire eyes. I had a ton of fun during that three or four hours of painting, doing something that brought real joy to kids, and it reminded me the importance of getting out of my comfort zone.

It took a bunch of little kids to remind me that I need to believe in myself twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. When I am engaged in maximizing my usefulness in the moment, I get to have an amazing experience.


Affirmation: I am capable, capable on making an impact on someone else’s life. I am the positive change this world needs. I believe in myself.


Call to action: I was so blown away by the hope and belief that these kids displayed in my abilities that I did not know I had.  They came through as an outer voice for that inner knowledge that says I can do anything!  Well this is your reminder, take some time today to recognize some limiting thoughts and remember, “YES YOU CAN! We believe in you.” You might just be surprised in what you create as a result today.  Please share your thoughts with us.Image

14. Winner

“The odd were against us, but we deserve to be where we are.” – Steve Gerrard

I was struck by an amazing thought the other day while I was out for a run on a beautiful afternoon.  It came like a flash, and I was filled with this sense of duty and purpose, in that moment I was at perfect peace and was fully aware of the greatness of my life and experience.  The thought that I had was simple and I know that I have had it before but like most things it would stay for a bit and then fade, as a result I would forget one of the most amazing things that truly can inspire me at any moment. The thought “I am truly blessed to be alive, the chances of me getting to be must be astronomical.”  What I knew after thinking that was that I am grateful for this chance today and this experience and I want to make sure that I am showing that gratitude in every moment of my life.

For the past week or so I have been revisiting this idea, enjoying the feeling that comes when I think about how special I really am to have this chance to experience life and also how special everyone else is who has gotten their chance as well.  As usual I wanted to look a bit deeper into what the odds really are, did I really hit the lottery already? Have I already been granted the greatest gift the universe can bestow.  So I hit the internet up for some answers.  First I would like to say that I have gambled in my life and I know that a 1 out of 100 chance is pretty poor odds.  Furthermore my chances of winning the powerball seem so unlikely but they are around 1 in 175,223,510.  Now my odds of being born at this time in history are about 1 in 6000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000, that is 100 zeros if you wanna count.  I would call that the not a snowballs chance in hell number.

But here I am!  Writing this to you and there you are.  We are the winners!  We are enjoying this thing called life. Life is filled with all sorts of experiences but it seems that when I take this idea of how fortunate I am into them, regardless of how they make me feel in a moment, I am still one of the biggest winners this world has ever known.  It seems so easy to get down and live completely separated from gratitude for this gift, but constant recognition of this divine miracle seems to be an amazing way to connect to what is the real truth in this world; You are so special and amazing beyond measure, you make a 1 in a million chance seem like child’s play.

Affirmation:  I am so blessed to be right here right now.

Call to Action: Take some time throughout the next several days to feel how special you are.  With that feeling in mind how will you celebrate your victory?