7. I Love Myself

“The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship you have with yourself.” –Steve Maraboli

Once a year our culture is reminded to put forth some effort in an expression of love to the people we care about with gifts, kind words and amazing gestures.  I hope that all of our community was able to find someone else to share their love with, whether it was a friend or a lover, a parent or a child, maybe even a stranger.  If you had this chance and were graced with the joy of another I think you got it right.  The process of bringing the love we have within to the physical plane can quickly lift the giver and the receiver up in an instant.

That brings us to today; the day after all of the Valentines giving is gone.  This seems to me to be the perfect time to give a little love back to ourselves.  Actually it may be better served today to give yourself a lot of Love.  I have often heard throughout my lifetime that is wrong to pat ourselves on the back or to put ourselves first.  What I know today is that if I am not right with myself and I do not love the me that I see, I will not be able to love you or anyone else fully and completely.

So on this day after Valentines, I am going to spend some time reminding myself of all the good things that I do and all the good that I am.  It is very easy to put ourselves down and most of us do it very often.  Just as we shed those feelings about our partners yesterday let us shed those feelings about ourselves today.

Affirmation: I love who I am in this moment, exactly as I am, as I really am.

Call to Action: Make it a point to give yourself some love today.  Write a note to yourself about how much you love those things that make you you.   Put it somewhere that you can see it throughout the day as a reminder.  Take this as a chance to woo yourself, you deserve it, and who knows you better than you?