23. Health

“Our health always seems much more valuable after we lose it.” -Unknown

As I was browsing the internet the other day I saw the quote above and was completely struck by how simple yet profound it was.  I immediately brought into mind all of the little bumps and bruises I have had over the course of my life time and how consuming they become, so much so that they outweigh anything else that the present moment offers.  Next I started to think about the people in my life who I have seen come under much greater physical challenges than I have ever had to face and how their whole reality was transformed and focused on this lack of health.

My experiences as I stated are small but it seems even the little things create such a mental circus in my head.  I recently chomped on my tongue so hard that it hurt for a week.  I would tell myself every time that I felt the pain while eating to never eat so unconsciously again that something like this could happen.  That process held up for that week being reminded over and over again how great it is to not experience pain when eating or swallowing.  Just as every other example that I could site, once the pain went away I completely forgot about the resolutions that I had made to live more consciously and take better care of myself, I was really just back to business as usual.

There are several experiences that I have seen in others on a much more severe scale that have been shown to be much more transformative.  The first one that comes to mind is the great change in attitude and outlook that I have seen enter some cancer survivors that I know.  Through the process of losing all conception of what health was and being forced to see the value in it, once recovery would take place, it seems an inner shift occurs as well and their whole attitude and outlook on life transforms too.  They had experienced drastic changes physically that offered a gateway to gratitude for something as simple as a pain free day.

With this knowledge I get to ask myself a few questions; Am I healthy?  Am I showing gratitude for the health that I have?  What am I doing to stay and grow in healthy ways today?  If I honestly look at these questions I can quickly say that overall I am a very healthy person, I exercise, I eat consciously and I try my best to focus on the things that are good in me today.  So in some ways I believe I am grateful but I think that I have so much room to grow in this area.  When I bit my tongue I spent so much time and focus on how painful and problematic that issue was, I have never focused that much love into the little things that my body blesses me with everyday.  When I look at it this way it seems like a complete lack of balance. I know in this moment that I don’t want to have to wait to lose something to see the blessings I have right in front of me today.

Affirmation: I am blessed to recognize the value of the health that I have in this moment; today I will focus on all the parts of me that are perfect healthy and whole.

Call to Action: Time to do some work!  My back hurts, my leg is sore, I have a blister…  These stories become our complete reality but while they are obvious concerns the rest of the machine that makes up our bodies are working in perfect harmony.  Today my back may be hurt but that will not define me, My head is clear, My hands feel strong, I breathe with ease and comfort and I can enjoy even the spiciest meal with complete comfort.  Also this may be the time to look at some of those things which are consciously taking away this precious gift of health that you can still seize.  Time to get honest, eh? What health blessings do you have today?  I have ten fingers and toes and for that I am grateful.

happy healthy whole

7. I Love Myself

“The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship you have with yourself.” –Steve Maraboli

Once a year our culture is reminded to put forth some effort in an expression of love to the people we care about with gifts, kind words and amazing gestures.  I hope that all of our community was able to find someone else to share their love with, whether it was a friend or a lover, a parent or a child, maybe even a stranger.  If you had this chance and were graced with the joy of another I think you got it right.  The process of bringing the love we have within to the physical plane can quickly lift the giver and the receiver up in an instant.

That brings us to today; the day after all of the Valentines giving is gone.  This seems to me to be the perfect time to give a little love back to ourselves.  Actually it may be better served today to give yourself a lot of Love.  I have often heard throughout my lifetime that is wrong to pat ourselves on the back or to put ourselves first.  What I know today is that if I am not right with myself and I do not love the me that I see, I will not be able to love you or anyone else fully and completely.

So on this day after Valentines, I am going to spend some time reminding myself of all the good things that I do and all the good that I am.  It is very easy to put ourselves down and most of us do it very often.  Just as we shed those feelings about our partners yesterday let us shed those feelings about ourselves today.

Affirmation: I love who I am in this moment, exactly as I am, as I really am.

Call to Action: Make it a point to give yourself some love today.  Write a note to yourself about how much you love those things that make you you.   Put it somewhere that you can see it throughout the day as a reminder.  Take this as a chance to woo yourself, you deserve it, and who knows you better than you?

3. Calling

“In every community, there is work to be done.  In every nation, there are wounds to heal.  In every heart, there is power to do it.” –Marianne Williamson

A few nights ago I was graced with the opportunity to attend a talk put on by my local spiritual community featuring Marianne Williamson.  This was the second time I had the chance to hear her share, the last time was 5 years ago.  The first time was by chance yet thanks to her passion and the wisdom that came through in her words, I was inspired to look deeper into my role in this universe.  My experience this week was similar but of course different thanks to the growth I have had since the last time I was present for her visit.

I think a few years ago I identified much more on what I was getting out of it and how positive inspiration could help my life. This time I felt more connected to what this gathering was doing for all of us that were present.  I was surrounded by a full room of people that all shared a very similar goal and intention, one of love and a willingness to grow.  It was a collective recognition that there is work to be done in our community and our nation and there are many people that want to find the best and most effective ways to do their part to work for the greatest good.

What I know about my part today has surely matured over the years.  I know today that I have the ability to lift up and inspire my community through my own words and actions.  I believe this is true for all of us, we all have this amazing ability to raise up and inspire those around us.  I truly believe that once we can recognize this power within us, it is our obligation to get out in the world and use it.  Each and every one of us have an infinite well of love that we can give to the world around us and as we do that the world around us will experience the same growth and change that we have felt and now recognize.  I know this is true because in settings like the one I was in the other night there was a feeling of love amongst strangers that was full and alive.  In those moments I was reminded how important it is to share my joy, love and inspiration with everyone I meet so we can all heal a little more.  It is not enough for me anymore to wait for someone else to come into my experience to raise up my fellows and me, there is an opportunity in every interaction to do my part and share my inspiration with everyone around me.  I feel this is our calling!  Care to join me, I am ready to keep healing, how about you?

Affirmation: I am filled with infinite inspiration and infinite love. Today I will share from my infinite well with everyone that I meet.

Call To Action:  If you know that this life we get to live is a blessing don’t keep it to yourself.  Wear your heart on the outside and share it with everyone you meet today so that they can be reminded of this truth for themselves.  I know how good it feels to embody my blessings and I also know how easy it is to forget them.  Today get out there in the world and help your community remember that Love is free and it comes from a well that never dries up and from that well springs all that is beautiful and good in this world. Thank you life!!!

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